Puffer Fish Attack Chiquita Bambino

A gang of merciless puffer fish attack Halcyon System Chiquita Bambino lure. This on the beach where the water meets shore. Only about 10 cm deep. Here in south of Turkey (Eastern Mediterranean) puffer fish are a big problem for both local marine life and fishermen (both professional and amateur anglers) They came from Indian Ocean via Suez Canal. They attack almost everything that they can bite. The biggest lures or the smallest LRF baits, all their favourite food. Because of these nasty species people are giving up fishing. They will destroy all your gear, from the hooks to the most expensive lines and lures or live baits. As you see in this photo, they are chasing a decent size Chiquita Bambino which I use for all kind of beach predators ( sea bass, travally, needlefish, breams etc) and attacking it even without I move it.