Bluegill Fishing in Ohio
Fishing Bluegill In Ohio

I was so ready and excited to catch a bluegill because I have never seen one before. We don't have it in European lakes. For local fisherman it's not a special fish at all and nothing to get excited about it. They catch smaller bluegills to use as live bait to catch big catfish and decent size largemouth bass.
I quickly made a simple rig; a small size hook and bobber on a 23mm line. Here they use worms to catch everything. So I followed my friends. Even though I hate using live creatures to catch fish, I had no choice..
My First Bluegill
They were everywhere. Around the old trees, bushes, weeds, deep bottoms, shore and all over the pond. It felt like I was dead and I fell on Bluegill Paradise. They just love worm and attack it like a shark. I really enjoyed playing with them. It was an awesome day for me. I liked catching bluegill in Ohio and I hope I will visit this magical region again to catch even bigger ones in future.
My first Bluegill was really a good, decent size one. This is the second catch. It was rather a small one but it attacked the worm like a piranha.