List of Prohibited Species of Fish in Turkey

The full list of the species illegal to fish in Turkey. Catching some species of fish and other sea creatures is absolutely illegal in Turkey.

Which Species of Fish Should be Returned in Turkey?
It is illegal to catch any of these at any conditions:
Sandbar shark (Büyük camgöz - Carcharhinus plumbeus)
School shark (Köpek balığı - Galeorhinus galeus)
Porbeagle (Dikburun köpek balığı - Lamna nasus)

Dolphins (Yunuslar)
Whales (Balinalar)
Mediterranean monk seal (Fok - Monachus monachus)

Sturgeon (Mersin balıkları - Acipencer)
Grass Carp (Ot sazanı - Ctenopharyngodon idella)

Black Sea Salmon / Sea Trout (Deniz alası - Salmo trutta  labra)

Related Pages: Fishing in Turkey  /  Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock

Neptune Grass / Mediterranean Tapeweed (Deniz eriştesi)
Red Coral (Kırmızı mercan)
Gold Coral (Siyah mercan - Gerardia savaglia)
Sponge (Deniz süngerleri)
illegal fishing in Turkey and sharks
Doktor Fish (Yağlı balık-Kangal balığı - Garra rufa)
Kangal Fish (Beni balığı - Cyprinion macrostamus)

Curled octopus (Kancalı ahtapot - Elodone cirrhosa)
Asterina Starfish (Kırmızı yıldız)

Cerithium vulgatum (Minare)
Green Ormer ( Deniz kulağı - Haliotis lamellosa)
Noble Pen Shell (Pina)
Sea Slugs (Mühreler)
European spider crab (Maya - Maia squinado)

Sea Turtles (Deniz kaplumbağaları)
Seahorse (Deniz atı)

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